Office Cleanliness – What Does It Say About You?

Office employees

Many office buildings and workplaces in London get their cleaning done by professional cleaning companies. This is all well and good but anyone who works or has worked in an office will know that despite the good job that office cleaners do, the office or workplace can still be a messy.

This is why it is important to hire a company that has a great reputation with 5* customer reviews. Having a cleaning company that is renowned in that area for their services means you will receive the best service. Commercial cleaning services include office cleaning, carpet cleaning and window washing. See: Local Cleaners in Crawley.

Professional cleaners are tasked with the job of doing the necessary general cleaning – which among other things entails carpet cleaning, wiping down office equipment, cleaning reception areas, toilets and other communal areas etc. The mess or un-cleanliness of some office environments is by and large due to the fact that individual workers do not keep their desks or personal workspaces clean and tidy. Click here for tips on relocating offices.

Is Your Desk A True Reflection of You?

Does having an untidy desk or workspace mean that an individual is just as untidy and messy in their home or domestic environment? And can we also assume that the same principle applies to the owners of clean and spotless desks? Find out how to organise your desk.

There are also some office workers who are at the other end of the scale and they go over the top when it comes to keeping their desks and personal workspace clean. Such OCD tendencies also give a true reflection of an individual’s cleaning habits at home, however I guess it is preferable to work with such individuals rather than slobs.

Read More: Sort your desk out for maximum productivity